Client: Northwest Natural
Location: Vancouver, WA
Service Provided: Land Surveying
The purpose of this project was to reinforce the distribution system in the 119th Street area as the area continued to grow and develop. An 8-inch pipe was installed using horizontal directional drilling. Six (6) separate drills were carried out.
MacKay Sposito supported the contractor with land surveying services. We staked out the right-of-way lines of 119th Street, the easements that NW Natural had acquired for the project, and the temporary work easements needed. We also tied the new pipe were it was exposed between each of the drilling sections.
The final product delivered to NW Natural was a 10-page plan set showing both plan and profile views of the new pipeline. The plan view shows the horizontal location of the pipe, right-of-way of NW 119th street and all intersection streets, adjacent land owner information, and marker ball stationing as well as cutting fitting, tee, and entry/exit points stationing and offsets. The profile view shows the depth of the pipe, the ownership of the lands it crosses and the stationing of the crossing of foreign utility lines.