Protecting and supporting a natural resource that feeds the economy and enhances our way of life
Protecting and supporting a natural resource that feeds the economy and enhances our way of life
Upstream or down, no matter the path, we’ll make sure that your fish passages remain navigable and free from obstruction. Our experts in the field will monitor quality during construction and make sure that no existing structures are disturbed.
River beds and river edges are highly sensitive sites that are extensively protected. MacKay Sposito has the expertise to efficiently navigate the regulatory environment so that your hatchery or acclimation project is quickly constructed and highly productive.
Protecting streams and shorelines is both a responsibility and an expectation. Our expertise in limiting environmental impacts and knowledge of permitting requirements combine to keep projects free from unexpected and unwelcome delays.
Evolving fish passage requirements drive our clients to improve their access road culverts and bridges. Our coordinated team of engineers, permitting specialists, land surveyors, and construction managers provide creative and cost-effective solutions to keep your remote facilities fish friendly and compliant.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut nisl ligula. Quisque varius quam vel odio tempus, a tincidunt eros dictum. Maecenas fringilla sapien in mauris fermentum, ac varius lectus aliquet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut nisl ligula. Quisque varius quam vel odio tempus, a tincidunt eros dictum. Maecenas fringilla sapien in mauris fermentum, ac varius lectus aliquet
Project Highlights:
Project Highlights:
Project Highlights:
Project Highlights:
At MacKay Sposito, we deliver infrastructure solutions and excellence in leadership while advocating for a better tomorrow. We focus on people, building strong and lasting relationships with our co-workers, clients, and communities. Our Civil Engineers, Land Surveyors, Construction Managers and Inspectors, Landscape Architects, and Environmental Specialists stand in your corner and demonstrate selfless dedication because we believe in the work you do and the value it provides to our communities.
We serve so our communities thrive.