MacKay Sposito provided ADA assessments of various trails, parks, playgrounds, and public buildings such as community and senior centers, for the purpose of identifying ADA compliance deficiencies and preparing design solutions to correct them. The projects were grouped into bid/construction packages based on the categories of work required, such as asphalt paving projects, concrete paving projects, and playground construction projects, and were bid through small works contracts. Funding came from an annual Capital Facilities budget. MacKay Sposito was hired to provide these services for 4 consecutive years. We also provided construction inspection and management services to ensure upgrades were completed to ADA standards. By the end of the 4-year cycle, we had developed such an efficient process and strong set of standards that the client was able to reuse the template as a performance bid set for subsequent years.
At MacKay Sposito, we deliver infrastructure solutions and excellence in leadership while advocating for a better tomorrow. We focus on people, building strong and lasting relationships with our co-workers, clients, and communities. Our Civil Engineers, Land Surveyors, Construction Managers and Inspectors, and Landscape Architects stand in your corner and demonstrate selfless dedication because we believe in the work you do and the value it provides to our communities.
We serve so our communities thrive.