Client: HDR (for Bonneville Power Administration)
Location: Chehalis, WA
Service Provided: Land Surveying
With an extremely tight delivery schedule, HDR Engineering relied on MacKay Sposito to provide survey and mapping services to support the Chehalis-Raymond No. 1 Wood Pole Rebuild project.
The design was for an H-Frame wood pole rebuild of a 115kV transmission line, 18 miles in length, from the Chehalis Substation to the Pe Ell Substation in Lewis County, Washington. Due to the urgency surrounding our efforts, the field portion of the project was completed with two field crews working 21 consecutive 10-hour days to complete the job on time. Following this initiative, the office work was completed three weeks later with five office surveyors working 12-hour days until completion.
Our crew delivered the Location Line (L-line) retracement survey, along with the control, structure sites, access roads, and crossing surveys. Other accomplishments included completing LiDAR verification and profiles in suspect areas where dense vegetation existed, making necessary cadastral and property corner ties, carrying out Access Road Acquisition Requests (ARAR’s) for access road easements, and preparing crossing permits for river crossings.